Prof. M. A. Narasimhan
Faculty, Indica Courses
Prof. M.A. Narasimhan, Director, Itihasa Bharati, Mysore, an institution meant to do research work in rewriting the history of Bharata exclusively from the Indian perspective, is a science graduate holding master’s degree in Education with specialization in advanced psychology and research methodology and in Sanskrit.
He has specialized in Indian philosophical systems and is a yoga practitioner. He has been a disciple of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation. He has taught the TM technique to more than 25,000 people and has trained more than 1000 teachers of Transcendental meditation.
He has held many responsible posts in the then Maharishi Institute of Creative Intelligence. He has been a Siddha practitioner and reaping the benefits of advanced techniques which are termed as Siddhis. He is a research scholar specializing in the fields of Indian culture and the Sciences of ancient India. He has a considerable number of books, monographs, and papers in the fields of Indian history, Science, Sanskrit and philosophy to his credit. He is one of the editors to the journals like Ithihasasamachar, IthihasaRashmi. He has conducted many workshops on chanting of Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, given lectures on Yoga Philosophy in many parts of the world like Hong Kong, Thailand, United states & Europe. He has also given several sessions in the “Evolution – Asia Yoga Conference” in Hong Kong.