Virendra Qazi
Faculty, Indica Courses
Virendra Qazi is a new age Spiritual Leader and Motivation Guru who presents mystic knowledge in a simple and usable way. His approach is comprehensive and at total harmony with various cultures and people. He has worked on many projects for the revival of India’s Oriental Glory & Wisdom through Kashmir Shaivism
Born in Kashmir, he graduated in Natural Sciences and later went on to do a master’s degree in Public Administration. He has had a successful leadership career beginning with Hindustan Steel Limited. He has served as General Manager (Business Development) in National Building Construction Corporation and recently completed a long tenure with Steel Authority of India Limited. In addition to a thriving professional career, he has been constantly focusing on spiritual learning with the guidance of teachers and masters:
- Life and teachings of “Mystic Poetess Lalleshwari” with Bramacharya Uday Nath Tikoo
- Various aspects of Kashmir Shaivism with Dr. B. N. Pandit, the international scholar on Kashmir Shaivism and Prof. N. K. Gurtoo – a scholar and practitioner of Kashmir Shaivism of very high merit
- Subtle practices of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra with Om Prakash Mahajan Ji
Shri Qazi’s work in the field of Kashmir Shaivism includes:
- Setting up the Lalleshwari International Trust in 1992. It presents the teachings of 14th century mystic poetess Lalleshwari and her philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism. Her teachings were well researched and widely communicated to people all over the world in the form of written material, audio cassettes, etc. Seminars were also conducted to revive our ancient traditions, including an international seminar and a grand Ballet “Param Yogini Lalleshwari” in Delhi in 1999.
- Presentations in the United Kingdom across locations. Midland Broadcasting Corporation recorded the lecture on the mystic philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, which was shown on TV all over the U.K.
- Presentation on Maya and Aesthetics in Kashmir Shaivism in January 2001 in an International Seminar on Metaphysics organized by Delhi University
- Extensive Presentation Tour of U.S.A in June and July 2001. The basic principles and relevance of Kashmir Shaivism was communicated with excellent interaction from people.
- Times Foundation presentation during 2002. These were highly popular, monthly presentations on guided meditation to seek the inner bliss as per Kashmir Shaivism.
- Infinity Foundation of USA sponsored tour. During November and December 2002, he covered cities from East Coast to West Coast of USA. Due to overwhelming response Inner Bliss & Harmony group has started in Maryland to seek a purposeful life through the teachings of Kashmir Shaivism.
- Senator John Burton of California (USA) organized an event in San Francisco and honored with a “Certificate of Recognition”. He also appreciated a positive linking of spirituality with business.
- Attended the event organized by Delhi University in 2003. This program on Self Realization and Human Upliftment was attended by the leading Scholars of Delhi and well covered by Press and T.V.
- Tour to Singapore and Malaysia in 2004 where he did a series of presentations. A study group was formed to have advanced studies. It is functioning well.
- Kashmir Science, Education & Cultural Society organized many seminars and presentations in 2005 – “Science and Kashmir Shaivism”.
- Sai International (The cultural foundation of Satya Sai Baba) organized presentation during 2005 – “Basic Human Values and Kashmir Shaivism”. This created lot of response from scholars about the uniqueness of Kashmir Shaivism.
- Regular presentations on Kashmir Shaivism and Trika Yoga from 2005 till date at Ishwar Ashram Trust – the main center of Kashmir Shaivism founded by late Swami Laxman Joo.
- In May 2006, Mewar Institute organized his presentation on Business Ethics and Motivation.
- Presentation on Trika Yoga Meditation in 2007 at Sagar University
- One day training workshop with special emphasis on spirituality in management: Good Manager or great leader? in January 2007 at Gurgaon
- Covered the life and teachings of mystic poetess Lalleshwari in Inner Voice column in Hindustan Times in 2007
- Presentation on Spirituality in Business organized by Delhi University in association with WAVES (wider study of Vedas) in 2008
- Program on Business Ethics & Leadership at Bangalore in 2009 organized by Karnataka Chamber of Commerce
- Satsang programs in multiple cities of India such as Bangalore, Hubli, Kolhapur, Pune, Agra, Mandi in 2009
- Monday Satsang at Ramayan Bhawan, Lodhi Road
- Teaching Kashmir Shaivism in Dubai from 2012
- Presentation tour to cities in US and Canada in 2014
- Conducting awareness program based on life and teachings of Abhinavagupta, 10th century scholar of Kashmir Shaivism, with the support of Ishwar Ashram Trust, Delhi