Sri. Raghu Ananthanarayan
Facuty, Indica Courses
Three extraordinary teachers mentored Raghu Ananthanarayanan when in very difficult phases of his life, namely; J Krishnamurti, Yogacharya Krishnamacharya and Pulin K Garg. He was intimately involved with them for more than a decade from his late twenties. This engagement not only transformed him, it evoked from him his service orientation, his sadhana. His work revolves around helping individuals, groups and organizations discover their dharma, and become the best they can be. This he believes aligns with his own personal sadhana. Raghu has applied his deep understanding of Indic Psychology in his work with organizational alignment and leadership. He has been in immersive involvement in questions of dharmic living in all his endeavors.
In academic areas, he has been Cofounder of the Sumedhas Academy of Human Context since 1995, and of the Barefoot Academy of Governance with TISS since 2012. He is one of the Directors of the Centre for Consciousness and Inner Transformation, an initiative of Indic Academy. As Director of Flame Tao Knoware Pvt Ltd Raghu spans the commercial world of consulting by helping redesign the client organization for greater alignment and synergy. Raghu has authored several books: Antaranga Yoga- The Foundation of Indian Psychology, Learning Through Yoga, The Totally Aligned Organization, Leadership Dharma- Arjuna the Timeless Metaphor, Organizational Development and Alignment: The Tensegrity Mandala (as co-author with Gagandeep Singh). Currently his wife Sashi and he, donning their role as Chief Mentors are working on nurturing people on a Sacred Quest at Ritambhara Ashram, situated in the beautiful Nilgiris.