Sri Ramana Maharshi : An Immersion
This INDICA Courses residential workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the life, philosophy, spiritual ministration and works of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
4 August 2023 - 6 August 2023
Friday 3 PM IST-Sunday 3 PM IST
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Sri Ramana Maharshi, a prominent sage of the 20th century, attained profound enlightenment in his early years. Remarkably, he achieved this realization of the Eternal Truth, the Supreme Self, without the need for external initiation from a Guru, without relying on theoretical knowledge or studying sacred texts, and without engaging in ritualistic worship. His personal realization stands unparalleled and unparalleled in the history of humankind.
Having realised the Eternal Truth as a teenager, Sri Ramana Maharshi dedicated over half a century of his life to guiding humanity towards direct self-knowledge, inner peace, and happiness. While much of philosophical thought becomes entangled in dialectical disputes regarding the nature of God, the world, and the individual’s relationship to them, Sri Ramana Maharshi skillfully sidesteps this quagmire. He directs attention towards the fundamental technique for discovering one’s true identity.
To gain an immersive exposure and experience of the Life and Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi, organised on the following themes
1. Arunachala
2. Sadhana
3. Silence
4. The Heart
A comprehensive understanding of the life, philosophy, spiritual ministration and works of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Day 1 : 4th August
Arunachala (afternoon and evening)
Theme : Remembrance and Contemplation on Arunachala is the easiest form of attaining Liberation.
Immersion Contents :
- Life-Sketch
- Others views on Ramana Maharshi
- Psychologists and Scientists views on Ramana Maharshi
Day 2 : 5th August
Sadhana (morning and noon)
Theme : Self-Enquiry is the best of Sadhanas
Immersion Content :
- Works : Words of Grace
- Arunachala Akshara Mana Malai
- Upadesha Saram
- Saddarshanam
- Other Works
Silence (afternoon and evening )
Theme : Silence is the most potent teaching
Immersion Content :
- The Technique of Self-Enquiry
- Hunting the ‘I’
- Ramana Answers on Self Enquiry from 1900 -1950
- Be the Self
Day 3 : 6th August
The Heart ( morning and noon)
Theme : Ramana ever residing in the heart is the greatest of all Gurus.
Immersion Content :
- Visit to the Ashram and Immersion in the spirit of Ramana
- Closing Session on How to Keep Ramana in Your Heart at all times
A week following the workshop, a certificate of participation will be awarded. This certificate serves as a token of the knowledge gained during the workshop and can be downloaded from our portal. Participants will receive a notification on their registered email id.
The Vilvam Foundation Campus
361, Kananthampoondi Village
Pandithapattu Post
Tamil Nadu
The workshop fees includes stay and food arrangements from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Participants are expected to report to the venue by 2 PM IST.