Śikṣā – The Indic Shastra of Pronunciation
Śikṣā one of the six Vedāṅgas, deals with generation and pronunciation of varṇas (Dhvanishastra) or phonetics in modern parlance. The systematic procedure of pronunciation developed in śikṣā helped preserve the Vedas without any variation in the most faithful way possible. Here we deal with the actual pronunciation and articulation of Samskrit letters and not grammar. Śikṣā texts are associated with each Veda shaka.
One year from the beginning of the course
Śikṣā one of the six Vedāṅgas, deals with generation and pronunciation of varṇas (Dhvanishastra) which is called phonetics in modern parlance. The systematic procedure of pronunciation developed in śikṣā helped preserve the Vedas etc without any variation in the most faithful way possible. Each Veda has a specific prātiśākhya associated with it and deals with a few aspects that are discussed in śikṣā granthas. It aids in the accurate pronunciation of Samskrit letters useful for both Vaidika and Laukika bhashas.
This course is a blend of Pronunciation aspects not just from the Śikṣā granthas but of relevant perspectives from other shastras such as Vyākaraṇa and Darshanas.
- To learn the generation of varṇa and role of Uccāraṇasthānas (उच्चारणस्थानानि) and Prayatnas (प्रयत्नाः) in articulation
- To understand the consequences of Varṇa and Svara – mispronunciation
- To understand the nature of Śabdas – Vaidika and Laukika
Expected Outcome
- To understand the place of śikṣā in vedāṅgas
- To learn the basics of Varṇamālā and Varṇa-krama
- Aims to make one perfect in pronunciation of svaras for use in Vaidika and Laukika bhashas.
- To know the Uccāraṇasthānas and Prayatnas
- To understand Guṇas(Virtues) and Doṣās(vices) of a reader
- All Students of Samskrit – Vaidika and Laukika studies
- All those who are interested in learning śikṣā shastra
- Students of saṅgītam and nāṭyam
- Arcakas and Purohitas
- Introduction to Samskrit Tradition – Vaidika and Laukika – Vedapurusha
- What is Samskritam? 18 Vidyāsthānas
- Importance of pronunciation
- Devabhasha – Mlecchabhasha
- Varṇa – Pada – Vākya – Mahāvākya – Sphoṭa
- Meaningfulness of Varṇas
- Production of Śabdas
- Alphabet – Ac (अच्) – Hal (हल्) – Ayogavāḥaḥ (अयोगवाहाः) – time limit
- Sthana (Uccāraṇasthānas) and Prayatnas
- Svaras and Saṅgītam
- Guṇas (Virtues) and Doṣas (vices) of Uccāraṇa
- Vr̥ttis – Dr̥ta – Madhya – Vilambita
- Connection with Vyākaraṇa
- Doṣas as per Paninian Grammar – Mahābhāṣyam
- Prātiśākhyas- Yamavarna
- Practicals
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