Introduction to Mahābhāṣyam by Maharshi Patanjali
Mahābhāṣyam, the celebrated commentary on grammar given to the world by Maharṣi Patañjali based on Aṣṭādhyāyī of Maharṣi Pāṇini, deals with the theory of language from Bhāratīya perspective.
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Course Fee: ₹4800
Enrollment Manual
Medium of Instruction
Open to All who can follow basic Saṁskṛta
One year from the beginning of the course
Online through Indica Courses Learning Portal
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Mahabhayasam, the celebrated commentary on grammar given to the world by Maharshi Patanjali based on Ashtadhyayi of Maharshi Panini, deals with the theory of language from Bharatiya perspective. The siddhantas behind the origin and development of sound, syllable, word, sentence and context and their interrelated features are discussed in this commentary. It consists of nine ahnikas (Units) of which the present course involves two.
- Introduction to Vyakarana, the science of language.
- Understand the nuances related to samskrit letters and the rationale behind word and sentence construction
- Understanding the structure of Ashtadhyayi
Expected Outcomes
- Understand the role of vyakarana in the development of Samskrit language
- Gain in-depth insight into the philosophical aspects of the science of language
- Understanding Paninian system of language construction
- Know the rationale behind samjnas (terminology) used in Ashtadhyayi
- Learn about the phonemes, their importance and meaning
- Students and research scholars in their chosen field of Vyakarana
- Content Generators/Creators : Authors, bloggers, academicians, editors, translators, non-fictional writers who seek to enhance their language skills
- Professionals interested in pursuing Vyakarana
- Ahnika 1
- Ahnika 2
- Various commentaries of Mahabhashyam (Samskrit Texts) along with practice in pronunciation.