कारकम् – KARAKAM
कारकम् is considered to be the most difficult aspect of अष्टाध्यायी and many scholars do fail in the interpretation of the सूत्र-s – सर्वे भग्नाः कारकप्रक्रियायाम् । There are two facets of कारकम्: प्रक्रिया and आर्थिकम्, the latter being very tough. The nuances of the aspect are vividly discussed by Patanjali in महाभाष्यम् and elaborated by Bhartrhari in साधनसमुद्देश of पदकाण्ड of वाक्यपदीयम् । In this course कारकम् from सिद्धान्तकौमुदी is explained with quotations from महाभाष्यम् and वाक्यपदीयम्, besides other commentaries on Panini .
Language is considered as the best means of communication. वाक्यम् / sentence is the very unit of language at micro level and महावाक्यम् / Discourse at macro level. Indian intelligentsia had analyzed both the units long time ago. The uniqueness is that these analyses are universal although they were focused on the sacred language संस्कृतम्.
Knowledge of पदवाक्यप्रमाणशास्त्र-s ( व्याकरणम् – पूर्वमीमांसा – न्यायवैशेषिके ) is considered to be essential of understand / analyze any piece of Sanskrit literature. Among the three, व्याकरणम्, being the backbone of language, plays an important roll. In fact, Grammar is a rough translation of the word व्याकरणम् . व्याकरणम् includes Grammar but not vice versa. व्याकरणम् is an instrument that separates शब्द-s from अपशब्द-s. The usage of शब्द-s would fetch धर्म , that leads to मोक्ष, whereas that of अपशब्द-s would accrue अधर्म । Thus, Sanskrit language has got both the benefits of – transformation of meaning as well as धर्म ।
Panini’s अष्टाध्यायी, unlike other व्याकरण-s, is meant for both वैदिकशब्द-s and लौकिकशब्द-s. The कारकप्रक्रिया , offered by Panini, deals with Syntax in detail and is universal, that is useful in analyzing any language, besides Sanskrit.
कारकम् is considered to be the most difficult aspect of अष्टाध्यायी and many scholars do fail in the interpretation of the सूत्र-s – सर्वे भग्नाः कारकप्रक्रियायाम् । There are two facets of कारकम्: प्रक्रिया and आर्थिकम्, the latter being very tough. The nuances of the aspect are vividly discussed by Patanjali in महाभाष्यम् and elaborated by Bhartrhari in साधनसमुद्देश of पदकाण्ड of वाक्यपदीयम् । In this course कारकम् from सिद्धान्तकौमुदी is explained with quotations from महाभाष्यम् and वाक्यपदीयम् , besides other commentaries on Panini.
Depending on the necessity, relevant ideas from पूर्वमीमांसा , न्याय and so on will also be taught.
- To draft Sanskrit sentences without any mistakes.
- To make them understand what is कारकम् – विभक्ति and so on.
- To know proper use of विभक्ति-s.
- To analyze and understand a given sentence and study further.
Expected Outcomes
We will have, towards the end of the course, students, who not only have command on कारकम्, but also can teach and propagate this great शास्त्रम्, to next generations. The fact is that there are not many scholars today who can take कारकम् as a challenge and offer training.
The students of Sanskrit language and literature – those who know Sanskrit but do not have an understanding of Sanskrit syntax – even scholars who wish to study Paninian syntax profoundly.
- वाक्यम् – निर्वचनम्
- कारकम् – क्रिया – क्रियाजनकत्वं कारकत्वम् – कर्तृ-कर्म-करण-संप्रदाना-पादाना-धिकरण-कारकाणि ।
- कारकविभक्तयः – प्रथमा / द्वितीया / तृतीया / चतुर्थी / पञ्चमी / षष्ठी / सप्तमी ( कारकाणि षट् + संबन्धः)
- उपपदविभक्तयः – कर्मप्रवचनीयाः