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Rituals & Well-being <br>Exploring the Scientific Connection

Rituals & Well-being
Exploring the Scientific Connection

This INDICA Course aims to explore the scientific connection between rituals and well being.


Please note that the medium of instruction is Hindi.

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15 Hours

Course Fee: $30
Enrollment Manual
Medium of Instruction
Online through Indica Courses Portal
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To explore the scientific connection between the rituals and well-being

Expected Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the strong psychological impact of basic rituals on mental well-being
  • Know the basic techniques that were used to build mental strength
  • Provide a scientific approach, while following rituals with a strong belief in them, to get the results that we desire

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to the program and NLP as a concept
  • Representation system and its connection with Temples (sacred places)
  • Language to create and break the beliefs
  • The Science of building memories andrResponses
  • Type of meditation and control on subconscious mind
  • Anchoring as an NLP Concept
  • Positive language and scriptures, Mantras, and Aartis
  • Stories and their connection with the subconscious mind
  • Four stages of mind that give us structure to remain in peace of mind
  • Anger and Ego as destructive emotion, illustrated with the stories from Mahapuranas
  • Jealousy as destructive emotion, illustrated with the stories from Puranas
  • The meta program of NLP concept and its description in ancient literature
  • Emotions and their role in mental well-being
  • Ritual and their impact on mental well-being
  • Pilgrimage – disconnection from negative emotions and getting back to positive action

Ranjit Singh Khuller

Ranjit Singh Khuller is certified and trained NLP trainer with Trainers from ANLP (UK), Mr. Ashok Subramanian, Ms. Catherine Brau, Gestalt Therapist, Yoga trainer from France and Uta Langley NLP Trainer and coach from Singapore. Ranjit Singh Khuller is a management consultant and an innovative human resource trainer with niche areas of expertise &contributions. He is implementing result oriented customized projects in Corporate, Institutions and Individuals to enable business success through people & management process excellence. He has total experience of 25 years in which, about 15 years of training and sales experience and last 10 years devoted to NLP. To spread the applications of NLP among the walks of life, ranjit along with offering classroom trainings and workshops, he also wrote book. He is an author of the book “Secrets of sales excellence with NLP”.
Ranjit has inclination towards studying and implementing Indian culture, festivals, beliefs, sayings, arts, different styles of meditation and ways of worship. With the understanding of NLP Ranjit can easily make out the purpose of all these.

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