Introduction to Nitishatakam
This Indica Course will provide an introduction to Nitishatakam, one of the Shataktray, composed by Bhartrahari.
It is relevant for anyone interested in understanding various human natures, social values, and their impact on an individual and the society.
Bhartrahari’s Nitishatakam , as the name itself suggests, is a set of hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. He has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.
Each topic concerns itself with a particular aspect of human mind which are vital for good social behavior.
There is subtle humor also in his writing.
To generate an understanding and appreciation of social values in a society for people to follow and live a guilt free, prosperous and harmonious life.
Expected Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learners would gain knowledge of how ancient Bharata pursued values of life, reconciling the sensory and the Para sensory worlds, something that is still in vogue in this sacred land of Bharata.
A detailed study of the ten aspects of social life under the cultural umbrella of Bharata will be taken.
- Murkaha paddhati ( on stupidity)
- Vidvat paddhati (on scholarship)
- Maana shourya paddhati (on self-respect )
- Artha paddhati (on wealth)
- Durjana paddhati (on wicked people)
- Sajjana paddhati (on pious people)
- Paropakaara paddhati (on helping others)
- Dhairya paddhati (on valour)
- Daiva paddhati(on fortune)
- Karma paddhati (on work)
Reading List
The Smriti texts and other historical narrations of Bharata including the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.