Foundation Course on Wellbeing through Ayurveda
This Indica course will acquaint learners with the principles and methods of maintenance of wellbeing in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, has a treasure of fundamental solutions to a healthy way of being. It considers good health as the state where physical senses are perfectly enjoyed and the mind is tranquil.This state of equilibrium of all the senses and bodily functions leads to wellbeing.
If you are a working professional, housewife, yoga practitioner, student, caregiver and/or retired from active service, seeking to adopt these methods and lead a healthy and purposeful life, this Indica Course is for you.
Ayurveda is the science of life with two distinct objectives:
- swasthyasya -the maintenance of wellbeing of healthy people
- swasthya rakshanam – methods of management for different illnesses.
Ayurveda is a well designed science with solutions to all health problems. The main emphasis is not to treat symptoms but to wipe out the root cause of the disease. Therefore, the treatment is based on pathogenesis and its stage wise progression. The treatment lies in undoing the stages of pathogenesis . This basic principle is the main pathfinder of relief from disorders.
In the current Pandemic circumstances, the concept of Ayurveda is well applicable as it believes that the bala of manushya is the key factor for the progression of the krimijanya vikara . The bala is nothing but ojus – the immunity power.
Ayurveda uses different Rasayanas for the manufacturing of Immunity enhancing factors. A Complete branch of Ayurveda out of its eight branches the Ashtanga Ayurveda – is earmarked for it by name The Rasayana tantra . This Indica course will focus on these aspects too.
This foundation course will acquaint the learner with the principles and methods of maintenance of wellbeing in Ayurveda.
- Self maintenance of wellbeing through Ayurveda
- Adding value to the care to be given through Ayurveda to those who depend on the learners of this group
- Ayurvedic simple remedies and diet according to season and according to the constitution of the person
- Know how of Ayurvedic maintenance of wellness and introduction to methods of therapies and management of disorders
Expected Outcomes
Learners will be introduced to the basic principles of Ayurveda and gain an understanding of the ways to maintain wellbeing through Ayurveda.
- Basic Principles of Ayurveda with Kriya sharir and Rachana sharir
- Dosha Dhatu and Mala Vivechana.and their application in wellness management.
- Nadi Pareeksha and Dasha Vidha Pareeksha.
- Prakriti Nirnaya and its application and manasa prakriti
- Swastya vrittam Dina Charya and Ratri Charya. ahara niyamas
- Gunas and karmas of various foods
- Pathyas and Apathyas
- Common ailments and their management
- Rasayana (Rejuvenation therapy ) and Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac therapy)
- Panchakarma Principles. and methods to perform these
- Drugs, their properties and their usage for wellness and in disorders.
Reading List
- Ashtanga hridaya of Vagbhata Acharya
- Sushruta Samhita of MaharshiSushruta
- Chraka Samhita of Maharshi Charaka
- Yoga Ratnakara
- Bhavaprakasha
- Shrangadhara Samhita
- Sushruta’s sign and symptoms
Learners are expected to have basic proficiency in English and some acquaintance with basic Sanskrit.