Rishi-Krishi: Chemical Free Farming
Rishi-Krishi is a course to teach and re-promote traditional methods and remedies of Chemical Free Farming. The course wishes to offer a possibility to millions of youth in the agriculture sector who are providing food to 137+ crore people of India. The only pre-requisite for such a possibility is that the cost of farming be very low and the yield be higher. This is possible through the amazing “Rishi-Krishi”. With this farming system, we will surely be successful in creating a self-reliant, strong and prosperous India.
According to many evidences, till 1857, India was the most prosperous country in the world. The biggest contribution to this growth of India was from cottage industries and second place was from agriculture. Agriculture, since ancient times, has been the backbone of India’s culture and economy. It has not only nourished the people of India with nutritious food, but has also provided them with Ayurvedic medicines and traditional methods of health care. Our ancestors practiced agriculture, producing food that was nutritious, chemical free and which was available at an optimal cost.
अनेक प्रमाणों के अनुसार 1857 तक भारत संसार का सबसे स्मृद्ध देश था। भारत की इस स्मृद्धि में सबसे बड़ा योगदान कुटीर उद्योगों का था और दूसरा स्थान कृषि का था। कृषि, प्राचीन काल से, भारत की संस्कृति और अर्थव्यवस्था की रीढ़ रही है। इसने न केवल पौष्टिक भोजन के साथ भारत के लोगों का पोषण किया है, बल्कि उन्हें आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं और स्वास्थ्य देखभाल के पारंपरिक तरीकों के साथ भी प्रदान किया है। हमारे पूर्वजों ने कृषि का अभ्यास किया था, हमारे वर्तमान किसानों की तुलना में बहुत अच्छी लागत पर बहुत अधिक स्वादिष्ट और जहर मुक्त उपज का उत्पादन किया |
ऋषि-कृषि रासायनिक मुक्त खेती के उन पारंपरिक तरीकों और उपायों को सिखाने और फिर से बढ़ावा देने के लिए एक कोर्स है| अतः 137 करोड़ लोगों को भोजन उपलब्ध करवाने वाले कृषि क्षेत्र में लाखों युवाओं के लिये रोजगार की सम्भावनाएं हैं बस शर्त इतनी है कि खेती का खर्च बहुत कम हो और उपज बढ़ जाए। यह कमाल “ऋषि-कृषि” द्वारा सम्भव है। इस कृषि-पद्धति से हम निश्चित रूप से स्वावलम्बी, सशक्त, स्मृद्ध भारत बनाने में सफ़ल होंगे।
- To increase farmers income
- To promote organic farming
- Make Agriculture profitable
- Environmental protection from chemical farming
- To prevent the diseases spreading from chemical farming
Expected Outcomes
- After this training, you will be qualified to get two times or even more yield than chemical farming, at a cost of 10-20 times less.That is, if it costs 15-20 thousand ₹ to grow 22 quintals of paddy in an acre, then with this technique it will be possible to grow 35-40 quintals of paddy in an acre for 1000 ₹
- That is, about 30-40 thousand ₹ per acre income will increase
- After this training, you will be able to teach more productive farming techniques from the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture
- You can easily identify GM and non GM fruits, vegetables, trees and plants
- Anyone who wants to earn a good income in organic agriculture and dairy farming
- Youth seeking a career in organic agriculture & dairy farming
- Teaching professionals interested in agriculture and organic farming
- Self employed youth
- Students of Agriculture sector
Total 20 lectures of 1.5 hours each – 30 Hours of online learning
I Block of Classes
- Comparison of modern and interactive agriculture
- The background, sentiment and results of modern agriculture
- Declaration of Retirement
- Comparison and properties of defects based on the DNA structure of bass tars and bass indicus bovine
- Cultivation of Desi and Foreign Cows
- Perception of Desi and foreign Kachu and prices on cultivation
- The effects of Polyhouse on the environment. Is polyhouse good or bad?
- Poly Reservoir and the effects and results of Machag. The effects of Ph being low or high
- Effects and result of chemical preservatives on seeds
- Effects of Enzymes on crop and Manufacturing methods
II Block of Classes
- Diet and measures of food to the plant from the soil
- % of dietary intake from age and vedic techniques of inter-energy
- Dredging, sequential cultivation of seeds & its consequences
- Annual-planted plants, crops & the idea of DNA transformation from indigenous techniques and mythological techniques
- Utilization and use of medical almanac in agricultural programs
- Prohibition of fulfillment and their authenticity. Mythological Yoga in Farming
- Conventional fungi-control and their use, expressions. (Most of Kasano Causes of fungal / fungal diseases Control is on His black, simple foreign solution.)
- The use of prayer in the Panchatatva and expressions in farming. Earth’s energy changes
- Construction of foreign fertilizer, pesticides and yoga
- Seed production from foreign measures. Harvesting of crops and seeds