Yoga Vasishta Sara
This unique course offers an in-depth exploration of the Yoga Vasishta Sara, a distilled essence of the massive Brihat Vasishta or Yoga Vasishta Maha Ramayana, traditionally attributed to Maharishi Valmiki, the revered author of the Srimad Ramayana. While the original work encompasses around 32,000 shlokas, this course focuses on the 223 shlokas within the Yoga Vasishta Sara, spread across 10 chapters.
The Yoga Vasishta is a profound text that delves into various aspects of Vedanta, addressing fundamental life issues through a rational and thought-provoking approach. As Bharata progresses into the 21st century, it is imperative for its thinkers, leaders, and intelligentsia to be anchored in the timeless wisdom of her classical philosophy. This course aims to equip participants with a deeper understanding of these principles, enabling them to align their actions with the forces of Dharma.
Enroll NowFaculty
26 February 2025 - 18 June 2025
6:30 PM-8:00 PM IST
Every Wednesday
The Yoga Vasishta is presented as a profound dialogue between Sage Vasishta and Sri Rama, during which the doctrine of Advaita (non-duality) is expounded in its purest form, Ajatavada (the theory of non-origination), interwoven with illustrative stories. This vast work was abridged centuries ago by Abhinanda Pandita, a Kashmiri scholar, into 6,000 couplets—a masterpiece in its own right, akin to the original.
Further condensing this work, an unknown scholar long ago distilled it into 223 verses, divided into 10 chapters, as Yoga Vasishta Sara. This condensation is a significant service to all seekers (sadhaks), making the teachings more accessible.
This course offers a contemporary commentary and discourse on this vital, yet often overlooked, text. The Yoga Vasishta bridges the divide between the secular and the sacred, between action and contemplation. Bhagavan Sri Ramana frequently referred to the Yoga Vasishta and even included six couplets from it in His Supplement to Forty Verses (Verses 21-27).
An example of the Yoga Vasishta approach is exemplified by the following shloka in translation: “The remark of even a child is to be accepted if it is in accord with reason; but the remark of even Brahma Himself, the Creator of the world, is to be rejected like a piece of straw if it does not accord with reason.”
This philosophy of comprehensive spirituality—both rational and practical—is what modern man needs to rescue himself from the dilemmas of the 21st century and set himself on the path of creative living and fulfillment.
Unique Pedagogy : Two days immersive Experience in a Gurukulam
We have designed this learning experience not only to provide knowledge but also to help you embody it. After completing the online sessions, you will have the opportunity to participate in a unique, immersive experience at our INDICA-RITHAMBHARA Gurukulam in Bengaluru. Over two days (dates to be determined during the online sessions), you will perform a Homam with your fellow participants, engage with faculty members, listen to guest speakers, and fully embody the knowledge acquired. Please note that accommodation will be provided free of charge; however, participants will need to arrange their own travel.
Course Objectives
To provide a clear understanding of the key ideas and philosophy of the Yoga Vasishta Sara and their application to the 21st century Bharat and the world.
Course Outcomes
- A comprehensive exposure to the key ideas contained in the Yoga Vasistha
- A clear knowledge of how to apply these ideas in the modern and current context
Course Syllabus
The course covers the entire Yoga Vasishta Sara. Each shloka will have the padartha (word meaning) along with anvaya (sentence ordering of words) along with translation and lucid explanation by faculty. At the end of the session there will be Q & A to clarify and firm-up learning .
- Introduction to Yoga Vasishta
- Detachment
- Unreal Nature of the Universe
- Knowledge of the Fundamental Truth
- Temporary Absorbtion of the Mind
- Cessation of Latent Impressions
- Reflection on the Self
- Ascertaining the means of Purification
- Adoration of the Self
- Defining the Sel
- The State of Emptiness and Non Emptiness
- Conclusion :Sadhana the Operationalizing of Yoga Vasistha
Reading List
- Yoga Vasishta of Valmiki (4 volumes) by Ravi Prakash Arya
- The Supreme Yoga by Swami Venkatesananda
- The Yoga Vasishta of Valmiki – The Mind and its Creation by K.K.Dhiman
- Laghu Yoga Vasishta by Jnananda Bharati
- Yoga Vasistha Ratnakaramu by Swami Vidya Prakashananda
- The Yoga of Sage Vasistha by Swami Niranjananda Sarasvati
- The Philosophical Verse of Yoga Vasishta by Swami Bhaskarananda
- Yoga Vasishta Sara published by Sri Ramana Asramamam
- Nectar of Supreme Knowledge – Yoga Vasishta Sara by Swami Sarvadevananda
Course Features
- Live Interactive Sessions: Participate in live lectures and discussions with ample opportunities for Q&A.
- Flexible Learning: Access class recordings and materials at your convenience for asynchronous learning.
- Certificate of Completion: Demonstrate your new knowledge with a certificate upon successfully completing the course.