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Sanskrit for Beginners <br> Basic Course

Sanskrit for Beginners
Basic Course

After the delightful success of the earlier two batches, we are proud to announce our third batch for this Indica Course.

Open to learners above the age of 15 years, this course is our effort to revive Sanskrit among people in an interesting and innovative manner.


30 Hours
Date & Time

12 September 2022 - 16 January 2023

06:00PM-7:00PM IST

Every Monday and Thursday (Except 24th October, 8th December and 12th December 2022))


Course Fee: $100
Enrollment Manual
Medium of Instruction
One year from the beginning of the course
Online through Indica Courses Learning Portal
Contact Details



An amazingly scientific language, Sanskrit has been considered as a Divine language – the language of Gods! It is considered the the mother of some languages and known to have impacted quite a few others.  A member of the Indo-European language family, it has left an impact on various disciplines and cultures. With its rich vocabulary and grammatical concepts, it has positively influencing various aspects of our lives. There are several Sanskrit texts and manuscripts that offer ancient knowledge and wisdom.

“Sanskrit for Beginners” intends to provide a basic understanding of Sanskrit Language and its Literature. Participants will be able to learn Sanskrit online from scratch. It also aims at familiarizing learners with an introduction to basic Sanskrit vocabulary for use in daily conversation.

Expected Outcomes

  • Basic knowledge about Sanskrit Language and Literature
  • Conversational Sanskrit
  • Vocabulary building
  • Understanding easy grammatical concepts


Introduction to Sanskrit Language

  • Introduction to Sanskrit: Language & Literature
  • संस्कृतवर्णमाला (Sanskrit Varnamala)
  • लिङ्गानि (Genders)
  • सर्वनामानि ( pronouns)
  • क्रियापदानि (Verbs)
  • लकाराः – लट्, लङ् , लृट् , लोट् ( Lakaras)
  • समयः (Time telling)
  • कथाकथनम् (Stories)
  • सुभाषितानि (Subhashitas/shlokas)
  • सप्तककाराः (Questions in Sanskrit )
  • उपसर्गाः (Prefixes)
  • संख्या (Numbers)
  • विभक्तयः (Cases)
  • शब्दसंग्रहः (Vocabulary building)
  • भूतकालः
  • भविष्य कालः

Introduction to Sanskrit Literature

  • Vedas : An Introduction.
  • Vedangas
  • Mahabharata & Ramayana : The source of Literature
  • Types of Kavyas
  • Nava Rasas
  • Sanskrit Aesthetics: An insight.
  • Puranas




Sanhita Vyas

Sanhita Vyas is a BA (Sanskrit) from Shree Somnath Sanskrit University and MA (Sanskrit & Lexicography) from Deccan College, PGRI. She has completed B2.1 in German Language from Max Mueller Bhavan, Pune. She has worked with different organizations, teaching Sanskrit and German and is currently handling operations of E-Lingua Hub- a platform for teaching Languages. She is also pursuing Ph.D. in Sanskrit at INDUS University, Ahmedabad.