The Yoga of Sacred Sound
This Indica Course is for seekers interested in mantras and chants in Yoga.
Join this online course for an understanding of the philosophy and application of sacred sound in your personal Yoga sadhana.
This Indica Course is in collaboration with our knowledge partner Indica Yoga.
03 December 2021 - 27 May 2022
06:30 PM-8:00 PM IST
Every Friday (Except on 17th December, 2021 and 8th April,2022)
This Indica Course, offered in collaboration with our knowledge partner Indica Yoga, is for seekers keen on understanding the use of mantras and chants in Yoga and gain a perspective on the philosophy and application of sacred sound in their personal Yoga sadhana.
An experiential immersion into mantras and their integration in Yoga Sadhana.
Expected Outcomes
This Indica Course explores the nuances of sound in yoga, in a journey that starts from the genesis of the universe from primordial Nāda, tracing the importance of the vedic tradition in developing the science of mantra as sacred sound, exploring the concept of Śabdabrahman and Praṇava, leading up to the study of select vedic mantra-s and the integration of mantra-s, bījamantra-s and sounds in practices of Yoga.
The myriad applications of sound in asana, pranayama, bhavana and dhyanam will be discussed along with guided meditative practices, woven into the lectures.
Some case studies demonstrating the use of mantra chanting in yoga cikitsa will also be presented.
- In Search of Our Source – An Exploration of Nāda-Bindu-Kala-Sphota-Śabda-Mantra-Parabrahman and Sabdabrahman
- A Universe Connected by Sound – Tracing the path of evolution from its building blocks-Pancikaranam, Sāmkhya Karika, Brahmanandavalli-why vibrationary energy is perceived to be the source of creation
- Om iti brahma – Omkāra as the Substratum of the Manifest World, a Bridge to the Supreme–References from the Yogasutra, Yogasutra commentaries, Upanishads and other literature
- The Word and the World – concept of Vāc Samskrta Aksaramala–the alphabet and speech(Māhesvara Sutras, structure of the alphabet, link to the universe, connections between the alphabet and other Tattva-s)
- Mananāt trāyate iti mantrah – weaving shields of protection, Components of a Mantra; Mantra and its role in alleviating and transcending Karma, the use of bījamantra-s, the mantrapurusa, sound in the body
- Vāgartha – exploring words and meanings of select Vedic mantra-s
- Multidimensional Transformations – Effect of chanting on different dimensions of the human system
- The Yoga of Sacred Sound – How chanting can be integrated into practices of Yoga-Insights from the KYM tradition
- Mantra Cikitsā – Application of Chanting in Yoga therapy-some case studies from the KYM