Introduction to Sri Aurobindo
Life and Works
We are delighted to announced an INDICA COurse on Sri Aurobindo as a part of “Enlightened Masters” series.
Learners will gain an opportunity to know about Sri Aurobindo’s life, his contribution to India’s freedom movement, his evolution and transformation into a yogi.
The course covers Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual philosophy, realizations and Yoga Sadhana.
5 September 2022 - 2 January 2022
7:00 PM -8:00 PM IST
Every Monday (except 24th October 2022)
Sri Aurobindo : An Introduction
In his 20s he redefined the course of India’s freedom movement working with Tilak and other leaders, and set Swaraj – complete independence – as its goal. In his later years as spiritual experiences “crowded” upon him, he turned his gaze upwards to the gritty problem of elevating the level of consciousness of the humanity. He called the higher level of consciousness as Super mind and worked for its realization upon earth. Freedom fighter, poet, political visionary, philosopher, yogi & rishi – A figure comparable to Sri Aurobindo so rare to find In India’s 5000-year-old history remains unknown to most Indians today.
This course serves as a comprehensive Introduction to Sri Aurobindo. The course begins with a biographical sketch of Sri Aurobindo. It then moves to his seminal works including Life Divine, Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita and Savitri. Key themes of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and meditations and spiritual practices In Integral yoga are covered In this course.
Sri Aurobindo : An Introduction
Expected Outcomes
- Introduction to Sri Aurobindo’s life
- Understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s social, political and spiritual philosophy
- Overview of Sri Aurobindo’s Important literary works : Essays on The Gita, Synthesis of Yoga, Life Divine, Savitri, Letters on Yoga, etc.
- Understanding of key elements of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga sadhana
- Sri Aurobindo’s Life – Part I : London, Gujarat, Bengal – Political years
- Sri Aurobindo’s Life – Part II : Pondicherry Years – Spiritual Sadhana, Ashram, The Mother
- Sri Aurobindo’s Poetry
- Yoga Sutras & Mahavakyas Of Integral Yoga
- Works of Sri Aurobindo : Synthesis of Yoga
- Sri Aurobindo on Indian Culture
- Works of Sri Aurobindo : Life Divine
- Meditations in Integral Yoga
- Works of Sri Aurobindo : Essays On The Gita
- Social Philosophy Of Sri Aurobindo
- On the Mother, Her Life and Her Sadhana
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Aurobindo Society & Auroville
Reading List
Free Download: https://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/sriaurobindo/writings.php
Other books will be recommended during the course and are available at : https://www.sabda.in/