Siddhāntakaumudī – An Integrated Approach To Vyakarana Shastra
Bhattoji Dikshita’s Siddhantakaumudi is a student-friendly text on Vyakarana Shastra that deals with both Laukika and Vaidika Shabdas. The present course on Siddhantakaumudi, is designed to expose the student to a comprehensive view of Vyakarana shastra integrating details from other shastras such as Mimamsa.
पदवाक्यप्रमाणशास्त्र-s are essential to understand any piece of literature , especially a work related to शास्त्र-s . पदशास्त्रम् is व्याकरणम् , वाक्यशास्त्रम् is मीमांसा and प्रमाणशास्त्रम् is न्यायवैशेषिके । व्याकरणम् is considered to be the most important as पदार्थ and वाक्यार्थ are dependent on it . It is पाणिनीयव्याकरणम् that is being studied for the last several centuries and the same , unlike other व्याकरण-s , deals with both वैदिकशब्द-s and लौकिकशब्द-s .
Compared with other works on Panini , सिद्धान्तकौकुदी , authored by भट्टोजिदीक्षित , is considered as the most convenient for today’s students as one finds two separate portions , that deal with लौकिकशब्द-s and वैदिकशब्द-s and student friendly order of सूत्र-s in it.
Expected Outcomes
- Prepare students to understand the five Prakaranas of Siddhantakaumudi in Gurukula-paddhati.
- Understanding the commentaries such as प्रौढमनोरमा , महाभाष्यम् |
- Students and Research Scholars studying Vyakarana