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Ravi Singh Choudhary

Ravi Singh Choudhary

Faculty, INDICA Courses

Ravi Singh Choudhary is the author of four books Rishi Intelligence, Chanakya’s Intelligence, Krishi Samhita, and Gau Samhita. His fifth book Vrikshayurveda Samhita will come this year.

Education in B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering and six years of Industry Experience in HEC, Ranchi & Vedanta.

Director, Dhanvantri Natural Foundation which is a Consultancy firm for Vrikshayurveda (Agro Ayurveda), Vedic Cow Rearing, and Agroforestry.

In the Sub-Committee of New Syllabus & Curriculum for Bachelor of Science (Heritage of Agriculture; Natural Farming).

He has published a paper on ‘Decolonization of the mind’.

Indica Course/s taught