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Introduction to Ishopanishad

Introduction to Ishopanishad

Even though Īśopaniṣad is one of the short Upanishads with only 18 mantras, it captures the entire gamut of Hindu philosophy and worldview.

This Indica Course will provide an introduction to the philosophy of the Upanishads and a roadmap for Vedantic pursuit.

15 Hours
Date & Time

12 October 2022 - 14 December 2022

6:00 PM-7:30 PM IST

Every Wednesday


Course Fee: $50
One year from the beginning of the course
Online through Indica Courses Learning Portal
Contact Details



Īśopaniṣad is one of the short Upanishads with only 18 mantras that captures the entire gamut of Hindu philosophy and worldview.

It not only enunciates upon the ultimate goal of life, namely Moksha, but also charts out different courses of life that a person can choose and the kinds of destination such life-courses would lead one to.

The short but deep Upanishad sheds light upon opposites such as: Karma and Jnana, Avidya and Vidya, Manifest and Unmanifest, Kramamukti and Jivanmukti, etc.

This course is for anyone who wants to become familiar with the roadmap of Vedantic pursuit.

Expected Outcomes

This Indica Course will provide:

  • A comprehensive introduction to the philosophy of Upanishads.
  • An understanding of fundamental concepts such as Moksha, Jnana, Karma, Bhakti, Dharma, etc.
  • An enunciation of various life-paths and an overview of Vedantic path to freedom.

Reading List

Isopanisad: An English Commentary by Nithin Sridhar

The course will include select readings from this book. Participants can procure their copy here.


Nithin Sridhar

Nithin Sridhar has a degree in Civil Engineering. After working in the field of construction for some time, he has been writing on various subjects such as social issues, development, politics, religion, spirituality, and ecology.

His first book “Musings On Hinduism” provided an overview of various aspects of Hindu philosophy and society. His book ‘Samanya Dharma’ enunciates upon general tenets of ethics as available in Hindu texts. His latest book ‘Isopanishad: An English Commentary’ is an English translation and commentary on one of the prominent Hindu texts. However, his most widely read book is “Menstruation Across Cultures: A Historical Perspective” which examines menstruation notions and practices prevalent in different cultures & religions from across the world.

He is the Chief Curator of Advaita Academy dedicated to the dissemination of Advaita Vedanta. Earlier, he served as the Editor of IndiaFacts- a portal on Indian history and culture.

He is based in Mysuru, Karnataka.